I really do love all my Private Dinner Parties, every occasion being special in it's own right, yet every now and again I do one that is that extra little bit more so, managing to leave me with a complete buzz of excitement and pride. Cooking for my latest guests was definitely among my all time top ten, having a brilliant evening from the beginning to end. Their two young girls were a complete dream, helping lay the table and indulging me with very adult conversation about my work. They were a pleasure to have around and even obliged with helping take food out and clearing the empty plates which was most efficacious.
Katie found my Face book Page a while back and has been brilliant with her Comments and "Likes", always saying that she will have me round to cook. It always brings a sense of reward when I get new clients and Katie and Dave were absolutely brilliant when we finally got around to setting a Dinner Party Date. They were so complimentary about my food, giving great feedback and engaging in great banter throughout the night that it was with the greatest of pleasures that I joined them at the table at the end of the evening with a chilled bottle of Becks. All of Katie's and Dave's guests were so convivial and welcoming it was a fantastic way to end a brilliant Birthday celebration.
Chicken Satay, Cashew, Chilli,
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Bruschetta, Tomato, Red Pepper, Basil,
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Crispy Duck roll, Sweet Chilli,
To Begin:
Caramelised Figs,
Blue Stilton, Parma Ham, Balsamic, Honey, Cinnamon,
Stilton Soda Bread,
Beef Fillet Medallions, Crisp Pancetta, Saint Agur, Puff Pastry,
Crushed New Potatoes, glazed Carrots, Saute Cabbage and Leeks,
To Finish:
Trio of Desserts:
Elder Flower Pannacotta, Raspberry Coulis,
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Chocolate Orange Fondant, Chocolate and Toffee Sauce,
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Pear and Anise Tarte Tatin.
For more information please contact me on 07775560126 or Mailto://chef@chefgary.co.uk